Create an app

Create an app

Before you start

  1. Ensure you have access to Socotra Core and have deployed a product

  2. Sign into App MarketPlace (AMP) as a publisher or admin account, refer to your dashboard

  3. Install the AMP CLI

    # Install globally npm install -g @socotra/app-cli # Install as a local package npm install @socotra/app-cli

Create your listing

  1. Click on Publish New App under the publish tab


  2. Fill out required fields, keeping note of your App Name. This will be referenced when in the CLI.


  3. Make use of the image crop tool to center your content


  4. Describe your product offerings and the app’s capabilities in the About section


  5. Include technical details users will need to run your app successfully in the App Requirements section

  6. Publish your content and confirm a Draft state

Deploy your app

These steps follow our .NET example from our public AMP repository

Create your app bundle


  • Dockerfile - App runs as a Docker container (Dockerfile example). Docker container must use base OS image with amd64 architecture. To do that, Docker file must have an explicit flag --platform in it’s FROM statement when specifying a base image for container: FROM --platform=linux/amd64 node:current-alpine AS base.

  • Configurable port - Ensure your app listens to a configurable port, this port will be overridden by AMP via an environment variable called SMP_PORT. All calls to an instance of the container will be routed only on the port provided in this environment variable.

  • Health endpoint - The Marketplace platform will ping a default /health endpoint in your container to monitor health. Application must expose an endpoint /health responding to GET request with 200 OK status code. This endpoint will be called by various infrastructure services to verify that application container is available, responsive and in a healthy state. Developer can use this endpoint to verify necessary app connectivity or required integrations.

  • State - Apps are stateless and event driven, state is provided by AMP on each call.

    This state can be used to differentiate inbound requests to your app; remember that a single instance of your app can be serving multiple customers that have each configured the app with their own unique settings and product schemas. 

    Use settings and mapping fields, defined in the manifest, to help your app be as universal as possible and serve the widest possible audiences.

    State request example

    const key = req.headers["x-SMP-key"]; const response = await axios.get(`${stateApi}/state/${key}`);


    State response example

    { "settings": { "additionalProp1": "string", "additionalProp2": "string", "additionalProp3": "string" }, "mappings": [ { "productName": "string", "fields": { "additionalProp1": "string", "additionalProp2": "string", "additionalProp3": "string" } } ], "socotraApiUrl": "string", "tenantHostName": "string", "token": "string" }



This file allows you to define the end-user experience when launching your app. Your app will receive the values inputted by the users as part of the state response.

  • File Name - AMP will look for socotra-app.json at the root of your Docker image

  • Integration Triggers - Leverage the Socotra platform to trigger requests to your app

    • Webhooks (Socotra Policy Admin) - Receive request when certain events occur in the policy system

    • Autofill (Socotra Policy Admin) - Modify policy data when requested

    • External Rater (Socotra Policy Admin) - Return pricing information for policies

    • Lifecycle Hooks (AMP) - Run custom logic during different app lifecycles (ex. on install, uninstall)

Use the manifest editor on your app listing to import, modify, and download your manifest visually!

Manifest editor on app listing


Manifest editor




Deploy your app bundle

  1. Authenticate with your organizations AMP credentials

    socotra-app login # Provide Client ID and API Key


    API credentials are managed in the API Keys section of your dashboard


  2. Build and test example app locally (from DotNet example)

    # Build project dotnet build # start and build docker container $ make dr-start-local # test locally $ curl -d "@src/Socotra.VinLookup/Models/AutofillPayloadExamples/ExposuresPayload.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST


  3. Deploy your container to your listing

    # this cmd will increment the second digit of the version number in the `socotra-app.json` # deploys updated version of the app to socotra marketplace make publish-app

Test your app

  1. Click Test Launch. Only the publishing organization can launch their draft apps.


  2. Provide all configuration details


  3. Your app is now running!


Congratulations, your app is deployed and running on Socotra App Marketplace!

The Socotra team will guide you through the final moderation steps if you want to make it public.

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