(blue star) Before you start

  1. Ensure you have access to Socotra Core and have deployed a product

  2. Sign into App MarketPlace (AMP) as a publisher or admin account, refer to your dashboard

  3. Install the AMP CLI

    # Install globally
    npm install -g @socotra/app-cli
    # Install as a local package
    npm install @socotra/app-cli

(blue star) Create your listing

  1. Click on Publish New App under the publish tab

  2. Fill out required fields, keeping note of your App Name. This will be referenced when in the CLI.

  3. Make use of the image crop tool to center your content

    Screen Recording 2023-01-20 at 4.00.18 PM.mov

  4. Describe your product offerings and the app’s capabilities in the About section

  5. Include technical details users will need to run your app successfully in the App Requirements section

  6. Publish your content and confirm a Draft state

(blue star) Deploy your app

These steps follow our .NET example from our public AMP repository

Create your app bundle



This file allows you to define the end-user experience when launching your app. Your app will receive the values inputted by the users as part of the state response.

Use the manifest editor on your app listing to import, modify, and download your manifest visually!

Deploy your app bundle

  1. Authenticate with your organizations AMP credentials

    socotra-app login
    # Provide Client ID and API Key

    API credentials are managed in the API Keys section of your dashboard

  2. Build and test example app locally (from DotNet example)

    # Build project
    dotnet build
    # start and build docker container 
    $ make dr-start-local
    # test locally 
    $ curl -d "@src/Socotra.VinLookup/Models/AutofillPayloadExamples/ExposuresPayload.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

  3. Deploy your container to your listing

    # this cmd will increment the second digit of the version number in the `socotra-app.json`
    # deploys updated version of the app to socotra marketplace
    make publish-app

(blue star) Test your app

  1. Click Test Launch. Only the publishing organization can launch their draft apps.

  2. Provide all configuration details

  3. Your app is now running!

Congratulations, your app is deployed and running on Socotra App Marketplace!

The Socotra team will guide you through the final moderation steps if you want to make it public.